Exercise Rehabilitation
It is crucial for the healing process and injury prevention. Otherwise known as Kinesiotherapy. It involves implementing an exercise/movement plan focusing on appropriate body parts. It works both for injured people and for athletes who are close to the top of their abilities.
Strengthening exercises
Building muscle strength and endurance is crucial for the proper functioning of the body. Also needed when correcting posture defects and for carrying out the full rehabilitation process.
Attitude analysis
If done correctly, it is a decisive step towards solving the problem. Each time it is performed individually for the patient.
Active range of motion
Joint mobility is an extremely important aspect of our physical health. Working to restore or maintain it should be one of the main goals of the rehabilitation process.
Stretching exercises
Used to stretch muscles and tendons to improve flexibility and range of motion. Extremely important for people who put a lot of strain on their body at work and during physical training.
Sense of orientation and balance
The sense of balance and feeling our body is extremely important for people, especially for physically active people. Thanks to exercises, we prevent the recurrence of pain or injury.
Education and explaining individual stages of rehabilitation and individual exercises to the patient is extremely important. The human body is made up of the brain working together with the rest of the body, so I consider it essential to ensure the proper functioning of both centers.
Three stages of exercise rehabilitation
Before returning to exercise, the basic thing is to return the full range of motion in the joints directly or indirectly involved in activities. For example, if the problem was a tear in the muscle involved in the movement of the knee and hip. then primary addressing the range of motion in these joints is essential.